Friday, May 16, 2008


So, remember when I said that things were going good with me and the boyfriend??

Scratch that.

I think I am single.

Because he is a jealous son of a bitch who can't accept that people aren't perfect. He's allowed to say whatever he wants, he's allowed to say the meanest possible things to me, to make me feel like I'm two inches tall. But I can't say anything at all to him. Fuck. That. Bullshit. I finally got sick and tired of it and said the one thing I KNOW would piss him off the most.

So that resulted in him in my face talking more shit. Him packing a bag and peacing out. My take on all this? Good riddins motherfucker.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Damn birds!

So, like a said in my last post...I was attacked by like 3 birds not too long ago. I think they thought I killed thier buddy or something but I swear it wasn't me!!

Ok, I'm getting ahead of I was on duty on a Saturday a couple weeks ago and me and the other 2 guys on watch with me were hungry. So we decided to go grab breakfast at Wendy's before colors went down(the raising of the flag at 0800). One guy stayed behind and me and the other guy went. Well...on our way back I'm driving right beside another car and this bird divebombs in front of our cars. I see the little guy getting too close and just KNOW that one of us was going to hit him. He made it past my car but then hit the tire of the person beside me and the next thing I know the bird flies(not because HE was flying, but because he did a circle AROUND the tire) in the air. I look in my rearview mirror and see him hit the ground....I was so upset!!! The guy in the car with me was laughing because I was sad about the poor little bird getting hit. I can't stand to see animals get hit by cars, let alone, me hitting them. I cried when I hit a bunny a couple years ago. I know, I'm a big baby. Anyways....

So we get back to the command and eat our breakfast burritos. Then at 0755 I head outside to do colors. Well, as I'm trying to hook up the flag to the hoisty thing I hear these loud screeches from the bushes to my left and right. I look to my left and all of a sudden this bird comes flying STRAIGHT towards my face at full speed! I duck and he flies into the bush on my right. I was staring at the bushes like "WTF??" Then, 2 more come flying out of the bush that the other one just flew into heading towards me AGAIN! I ducked once more and cursed at the damn birds yelling at them that I didn't kill their friend. Then the music for colors started playing, I hoisted the flag up and saluted. But I had to keep saluting until the song was over so while I'm standing there I'm looking out of the corner of my eye, paranoid that they were going to attack me again! The second the song was over I ran inside and told the guys what had just happened. And they just burst into laughter.

I, on the other hand, didn't think it was too funny. The birds probably have a hit out on me now.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Hello again everyone! I always seem to post one then dissappear for a couple weeks again. My bad! I have a good excuse for my no posting tho....really! I promise! =^)

I've been hella busy at work these past few weeks. My office buddy is getting out of the military *sniff*sniff* and today is his last day. But for the last few weeks he's been turning all of his work over to me. So I have my normal workload, which has always kept me busy but a steady busy ya know? Now I have his workload too which just makes my day hectic...I mean really hectic. I have a whole new group of people from my command coming up to me and asking me all the questions that they use to ask him plus the group that has always come to me.....when will the madness stop?? At first I wasn't really wanting to deploy this year but now I'm kinda looking forward to it. Not only will the money be great but then certain tasks that I have here, I won't have when I'm overseas. SO the madness will be like this for 6 more months, then I'm outta here for 6 months.....then I'm OUT!! WOO HOO!! It's getting so close I can feel it. I mean, there is nothing wrong with being in, but it's not something that I can see myself doing as my career. Everyone at work thinks I'm going to change my mind and stay in because everyone says that they want out but re-up instead. My response? Hell. No. haha

When I get out I'm going to go to school full time and work part time. If boyfriend and I are still together he says that he'll re-enlist for 4 years of shore duty so I don't have to worry about working 40hrs a week and school.

Speaking of boyfriend....things have been really great lately with us. We were in a rough patch....a really rough patch. lol. But things are turning around and he hasn't been getting all jealous on me. When things get bad I always try to remember what my mom says about relationships.

"There are going to be days that you love the person. But there will also be plenty of days when you feel like stabbing the person. That doesn't mean you don't love them. You're human and when you live with someone and spend THAT much time with someone then, yes, there will be days when you love them but don't like them."

I completely understand what she means too. It's not like he beats me or truely controls me. He can be a jealous S.O.B and sometimes I just want to slap him. But since we've been together I can see the things he changed to accomodate me and I've done the same for him. I've worked on my anger and my stubborness(which use to be REALLY bad) because I knew that it just caused problems. I've gotten better at admitting when I'm wrong and voicing my opinions without screaming. He's gotten better about getting to know some of my friends before he jumping to conclusions and he's worked on talking to me and not bailing when he gets pissed. Of course we still get into screaming matches sometimes because we are both stubborn but it doesn't happen often. lately we've been househunting(to rent, not buy) and we found the cutest house in our price range. It has a sun room, and big jacuzzi tub, a converted garage into a family room and the window sticks out like a little nook. It has great potential to be a really great home.

But we aren't going to get it. =^( The neighborhood sucks so much! Right now we live in apts that have robbings every other day and James carries a gun on him most days. That is why we are trying to steer clear of areas like that. The house we looked at is across the street from these apts that have the same kind of problems as our current apt. It was such a disappointment because the house is adorable...I wish I could just pick it up and set it back down in a nice little neighborhood.

Well, I have to go PT right now. Have a good week yall!!

Oh!!! And time I have to tell yall about me getting attacked by birds the other day!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Drunk conversations with my neighbor

So my neighbor Jen is such a goofy drunk. We were just sitting around playing some drinking games like asshole and ring of fire and whatnot and she had her baby at the babysitter's for the night. Well....that means that she was free to get toasty...and toasty she was! haha

It gets to be around 2am and everyone is just kind of relaxing and talking to one another and I step outside to smoke and I hear Jen holler my name.

Jen "OMG Guess what!"

Me "What?"

Jen "You know how awesome I am??"(and she sounded truely exicted about answering that!)

Me "How awesome are you Jen?"

Jen "I am sooooo awesome that if you were to go to college and major in ME(her voice went up a couple octaves on that one) Then you could be a millionaire JUST by being only half as good as me!!"

Me "Is that so?"

Jen "YEAH! If you were to only take 'Jen 101' and no other 'Jen' classes then you'd still be making millions. That is prercisely how awesome I am!"

Me "Wow! That's cool...I think I'll enroll first thing Monday!"

Jen "Damn straight!! You'll be a millionaire in no time at all!"

haha I love my neighbors. Especially since all 15 mexicans moved out (actually we got them evicted) a month or so ago.

Happy monday yall!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

one year mark

Ok, so I have to write about this today. This time last year was a very hard week for me. April 16th the VT shooting happened and I live(hometown) about 30 mins from there and know a countless amount of people who go there. April 17th, my grandfather past away. Needless to say, I shed alot of tears this time last year.

First, I want to talk about my grandfather. I will never forget the last conversation I had with him. Last year since I won a special award at my command I got to choose when I got a 4 day weekend. I knew my grandfather wasn't doing that well so this time last year I requested a monday and tuesday off. So I get home and spent time with my family and my grandfather...he had been in the hospital for a few day at this point. The sunday before he past my brother and I went to the hospital to see him. This is what happened as soon as we walked into the room...

Me "Hey grandpa!"

Him "I need my thermas!!"

Bro "umm, it's on the table behind you grandpa."

Him "I know and I can't reach it and I have to pee really bad!"
(since he can't get up to go to the bathroom they had him peeing in this big red thermus)

me "umm, I'm just gonna step outside real quick and let you do your thing grandpa."

It was just so funny considering the lightened the mood in the room. We sat with him for I don't even know how long and just talked. I was difficult to sit there and talk like nothing was wrong but it was even more difficult to not cry. I was determined not to make it hard on him by crying in front of him.

The very next day

The very next day is when the Virginia Tech shootings happened. I was so scared all day long because I knew so many people that were there. My brother for one and his best friend whom I was very close to also. Plus since I live so close to the school, almost half of every graduating class in my high school attends there. Later when we found out that most of it happened in that 1 classroom I freaked out even more because a very good friend was in that class....or was supposed to be. Him and some of his frat brothers were all hungover and decided not to show up that day. It's really crazy how drinking and being hungover possible saved his life. That was a horrible monday. And it didn't get that much better the next day.

Tuesday I had to leave to come back to Norfolk. As I was saying goodbye to my mom around noon my dad called to tell her that my grandfather had developed fluid in his lungs and wasn't doing well at all. She tried to assure me that everything was ok and sent me on my way. My whole way home tho I had this horrible feeling. When I got to my barracks that night I unpacked took a shower and took a couple of tylenol pms so I could sleep. If I didn't then all my worrying was going to keep me up all nite.

I woke up to a voicemail that morning from my dad telling me that my grandfather past away around 10 the night before. I went to work told my command and was back in my home town by 11:30am. It didn't even really hit me until the viewing. As soon as I walked into the room and saw him laying there, so lifeless...i completely lost it. I ran to the bathroom and cried my eyes out.

My whole point in this post was to say that my grandfather was such a great man, a great person. He loved my grandmother for over 40 years, loved his 3 sons and all of his grandkids. He was an extremely good work ethic, was apart of the Lions club and president of it. He helped with the community and took good care of his horses. I love and miss him very much and just wanted to make it known.
Ok so yesterday the end of my post got cut off for some wierd reason and then I tried to post just the end of it and it came out blank! Damn work computers! Oh well....lets see if it works THIS time.

what I'd like to be doing in 25 years would in that 4 bedroom log cabin that I was talking about before with my horses and hubby. I would also have a spidermonkey, a pug, a few cats and some bunnies =^). What? I'm an animal person! I'd be in a career that I'd love waking up for everyday and have 5 kids and bunches of grandkids.

Wow, I just read over that and I just realized that that was alot! haha. Well, I would make this longer but I gotta go PT in a min....gotta get rid of the winter layer of fat. Or in my case...a few layers!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What I was doing 10 years ago - (1998): Well I was 11 so I was just going to school and playing softball for my middle school.

...Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Pt because I am getting FAT
2. Pick up uniforms from cleaners since I have duty on friday....BLAH
3. Cook dinner for the boyfriend and I
4. Clean bedroom because I was mad this morning about not finding a certain shirt and threw clothes everywhere! haha
5. Do my 20 minute ab workout

Five Snacks I enjoy:
1. Cheezits will be the death of me
2. Skittles
3. Apples
4. My daddy's chexmix
5. String cheese =^)

Five Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Buy my daddy the old school muscle car he always wanted
2. Pay off both my grandmother's and my parent's houses for them.
3. Buy a cozy 4 bedroom log cabin in the woods near a lake....oooh with horses!!
4. Go to an expensive university and pay in CASH! rock on!!
5. Buy myself out of my militart contract.

Five of my bad habits:
1. I am the worst procrastinator EVER
2. I bite my nails
3. I'm very indecisive
4. I can be hella lazy...and probably could win the gold if there was such a thing
5. I rub my eyes alot even when they don't itch or anything. I'm gonna be blind by the time I'm 35 haha

Five places I have lived:
1. Virginia till I was 18
2. Chicago till I was 19
3. then a DIFF part of VA...still here
4. Well I WILL be living in Bahrain for 6 months soon...does that count?

Five jobs I’ve had:
1. I worked the picnics at a baseball stadium from 14 to 16 years old
2. Sonic from 16 to 18
3. MacNbob's(restuarant) on and off from 17 to 18
4. Arby's for a week(i ate too much food there and didn't wanna get fat)
5. Bojangles for a week because the boss was a complete DICK
6. And now the Navy for the last 3 years

What I’d like to be doing in 25 years:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So, I was in a crappy mood up until yesterday so I think that I can type with out sounding like the sailor I am! haha.

Anyways, so last friday boyfriend and I finally I say talk, I mean scream. He didn't understand why I was still pissed off at him and why I wouldn't tell him what upset me the week before.

I'll spare the details of our screamfest.

Well, after all was said and done I had to get out of there. So I got in my car and I went to this country bar/club near our apartments to let off some steam. Now, I haven't two stepped or line danced in a LONG time so when this guy asked me to dance with him I was a little freaked out. I told him that I can't even remember how to do it, but of course he tells me that he can show me. I looked like a FOOL out there! haha. I'm stepping all over his feet and he keeps telling me to look up not down AND so is everyone else that we pass on the floor. I was like WTF? I forgot how different a country bar was. Everyone is really friendly and being with Mr. New York City, aka boyfriend, I'm use to bars/clubs with hip hop or rock and you don't really talk to anyone unless you came with them. So after a couple hours of making an ass out of myself and meeting new people I a better mood. Well my better mood didn't last 20mins after I stepped out of the bar. On my way home I hit a huge ass pothole and pop not only 1 but 2 tires on the drivers side. To top it off I tried calling the number that's on the side of my car for such emergencies but the stupid thing wouldn't let me connect. I mean, the pre recorded voice would give me options as to what kind of emergency it was and after I pressed the correct number it would ring twice then disconnect. I have no clue why it kept doing this. And I was refusing to call boyfriend because, well you all know why. I'm a stubborn bitch and he's an ass.

Well, I'm sitting at my car for like 30 mins until a cop finally drives by and sees me. He stops and calls a tow truck for me...which took them TWO DAMN HOURS to get to me. They had some pre recording that would call me every so often to tell me they would arrive in 45mins....then 30mins.....then 15 mins. I'm on the verge of killing someone because I am so aggitated. So he finally gets there and he offered to take me to my apt. I walk in the door at 4:30 in the morning to who other than boyfriend sleeping on the couch. He of, course, woke up and I told him I had car troubles then went to bed.

Saturday wasn't much better. I got woken up to the mechanic calling me and saying that they have to do all 4 tires because the other 2 that weren't flat, the tread was really low so it'd be pointless to have to brand new tires and 2 old tires. Oh yeah, and I'd have to get my alignment fixed since I probably threw it out when I hit the pothole. I tell him, fine whatever do whatcha gotta do. He tells me my car will be ready on Monday.....well monday rolls around and he calls me up so say the front awn or arm or whatever the hell its called is damaged and needs to be repaired. (Are yall feeling my frustration yet?) I think that it's not something expensive but when I asked how much he replied back with $200. WTF again!

Mechanic "it's $200 mam, but if you want to hold off we won't mess with that.

Me "well, I'm sure you noticed the sticker at the bottom of my front window that says [4 08] right?"

Mechanic "Ummm"

Me "so you can see that I really don't have a choice in the matter. My car has to be inspected this month and surely it won't pass with it busted up."

mechanic "umm also, your front driver side light isn't mounted properly and that won't pass an inspection either."

me "great"

Mechanic "I'll tell you what, since we're already working on your car I'll do your inspection and the front awn(arm? IDK) and the light will only take a few mins to mount back on anyways. What do you say?"

Me "Why don't you take my first born while you're at it"

Mechanic "What was that?"

Me "Nothing. Ok, just do what you have to do to get it to pass inspection."

Mechanic "yes mam. It'll be ready tomorrow."

So even tho I paid an arm and a leg for what was suppose to be TWO tires, I am happy with the results. Before I knocked my alignment out on Friday, it's was already not completely straight. It pulled to the left. So when I got in my car again yesterday I took my hands off the wheel and yelled out "YAY! I'm going straight now!!!" haha....then I went home and had a beer....or 2....ok ok I had 10!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pissed off


I have been utterly PISSED for the past 3 days. I am sick of people. I am sick of people not being able to keep things to them DAMN selves. And I so freaking sick of people assuming shit instead of asking and talking....they'd rather hang up on me! I am sick of my job, my boyfriend, my friends....all of it. I AM SICK AND TIRED!

I have a splitting headache from being so pissed and irritated. I just wish all of it would go away. I know I'm being vague but I can't really go into detail of what exactly pissed me off the most. It's too personal to put on here. But I can tell you why I'm uber pissed at my boyfriend. Sunday is when I heard some horrible shit about me, and hearing that it came from a person that means the world to me. It involved a couple friends from home. I didn't know who to believe in this particular situation so I was crying and depressed over this issue. When my boyfriend got home he saw that I was hurt but I told him that I didn't feel like talking about it at the moment. He was fine with it.....or so I thought. Earlier that day in my pissed rampage I posted a bulletin on myspace saying I was pissed and I am done with everyone more or less. An old guy friend, whom I haven't spoken to in months because of my boyfriend, was on and saw it and immediately called me to see if I was okay. I, of course, didn't answer because for one I was crying and for two, I didn't want a fight with James on top of everything else. Well, that night while I was in bed James took it upon himself to look through my call log and saw that I had 2 missed called from my old friend.

And THAT brings me back to yesterday afternoon. I was on the phone trying to straighten said issue out with this girl from home....and I, again, was crying. Well, James beeps in and when I click over he said "what's wrong?" I again said "I'm fine, I am still upset but I can't talk to you about it right now." He comes back at me with "But you can talk to Noel about it??"


Yes. that's how I said it to him. And then I added, "wait a looked through my fucking phone again didn't you?"

Him "Yeah I did and I saw that you talked to Noel twice yesterday while I was gone."

So in the middle of me trying to tell him that I ignored both of Noel's calls he just says "I bet it's fucking Noel." AND HANGS UP ON ME!

Then he won't answer my calls and claims it's because he's too busy working in a text. So I sent him 3 things.

Text #1 "Well you werent 2 busy 2 call N bitch at me 4 something I DIDNT do"

Text #2 "BTW...snoop better next time cuz if you wouldve, then youd see that I ignored the calls."

Text #3 "You know what? Screw it. Dont talk to me. Im going 2 bed."

I woke up at 4 this morning and left for work because I couldn't stand to be in the same bed as the jackass. I am so FUCKING SICK of him accusing me of doing shit when I haven't done anything. Yall wanna hear something funny? I went to walmart like a month ago to buy him a couple new Xbox games. My phone doesn't work that well in walmart. He tries to call me and gets pissed when he can't get ahold of me. Claiming that I'm diliberately ignoring his calls. I wanted to surprise him when he got home from work. He automatically assumes that I'm lying and that I was doing God knows what with some guy or whatever. Then he found out that I bought him stuff and was trying to keep in a surprise and, as always, apoligized to me. I'm SICK IM SICK IM SICK of all of his motherfucking apoligizing!

I need to get away before I go crazy. I need to get away before I kill someone.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Busy spring

Hey everyone! Sorry I have really posted this month. I have alot going on and just haven't had the time.

The main thing that kept me busy was studying for my advancement exam that was last Thursday. I don't think I've ever studied as much for any test before this one...haha money is a good motivator! The thing is, I don't find out until May or so if I passed it =^( that's the sucky thing about the military. They take forever to get the results out to you.

Studying for that test kinda worried me about starting college soon too. I mean, I know it's only been 3 years since I've been in school but it still feels like a lifetime ago, ya know? IDK, maybe I'm just trying to pshyc myself out. I just hope that it doesn't take alot to get back into that studying groove cuz I am so use to coming home from work and that's it. haha

Also, I started a softball team at my command recently and so now I'm a player AND the coach, which is taking some getting use to. I'm only 21 and I have people on the team that are like 45 so I'm trying to keep control and be the leader. Plus there's that whole ranking thing in the military lol. So it's a little strange for me, a seaman(no joke, that's my rating), to be telling an officer or a Chief what to do. "Sir, make sure you do_____and_____" haha. I like it though. I played all throughout high school and I wish I did better in school then so I could have played for college. But oh well.....

Another thing that's taking up alot of my time is the boyfriend and I are looking for houses to rent. Our lease at the apts is over this June and we refuse to stay another minute, let alone a year, more than we have to. Plus James really wants to bring his Pit, Asia(omg the cutest pit I have EVER seen! Seriously) up here from FL and I want my cat, critter, from home. We did find a couple of cute houses though. Both are two bedroom and both are the same rent, but one had 400 more sq ft. I know what you're brainer right? Pick the larger one? That is precisely what I wanted to do BUT the smaller one has a fenced in yard and the bigger one does not =^( James wants (and I agree) that we need a fenced in yard for his dog. Oh well though, I'd rather have his dog safe than a bigger bedroom or bathroom or...sigh....closet.

Oh, btw...i recently started watching Grey's Anatomy and can I say....I understand the McDreamy craze! Oh Lord that man is HAWT! hehe

Friday, March 7, 2008

A song that describes my past....

I watched the proverbial sunrise
Coming up over the Pacific
You might think I'm losing my mind
But I will shy away from the specifics...

Cause I don't want you to know where I am
Cause then you'll see my heart in the saddest state it's ever been
This is no place to try and live my life

Stop right there
That's exactly where I lost it
See that line
Well I never should have crossed it
Stop right there
Well I never should have said it
That it's the very moment that I wish that I could take back

I'm sorry for the person I became
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
Cause who I am hates who I've been
Who I am hates who I've been

I talk to absolutely no one
Couldn't keep to myself enough
And the things bottled inside have finally begun to create so much pressure
That I'll soon blow up
I heard the reverberating footsteps
Synching up to the beating of my heart
And I was positive that unless I got myself together
I would watch me fall apart
And I can't let that happen again

Cause then you'll see my heart in the saddest state it's ever been
This is no place to try and live my life
Who I am hates who I've been and who I am will take the second chance you gave me
Who I am hates who I've been cause who I've been only ever made me...
So sorry for the person I became
So sorry that it took so long for me to change
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again

Cause who I am hates who I've been
Who I am hates who I've been

Monday, March 3, 2008


Ok, so I know I haven't really gotten personal in this blog yet. And to tell you the truth....I think it was because I didn't want to show the other parts of me...the depressing and confusing side of me. I censored everything and so far, I have only talked about what's on the surface. And lets face it....that's not what people want to hear. People want the inside scoop. People want to read the 'good stuff,' I mean, I know that's why I read certain blogs and that's probably why everyone reads these things. So it's time that I stop acting like the happy-go-lucky chick who only talks about her fishes or the gilmore girls or wierd neighbors. It's time for me to be raw and here it goes......

So this weekend was.....umm.....interesting.

James and I were fighting the majority of the time. I know I haven't really gone into detail about my relationship, and that's because I was trying not to sound like I'm bitchy or anything but you know what....?

Screw. That. Shit.

I love him, I really do. But I honestly want to shake the SHIT out of him sometimes.

We stopped talking for about a week. It all started when my phone rang last Monday evening. It was my friend John calling but I ignored the call because we were having a nice relaxing evening together....were being the operative word. All of a sudden he's all withdrawn and jackassy towards me. We start bickering and frankly, I'm fed up because if I talk to any guy then that means I'm going to sleep with him(even though I've never done anything to make him believe that stupid shit!) I have 3 older brothers and I have mostly guy friends, he knew that from the START! A year and a half's still the same old shit. I say hi to a guy...I'm going to cheat. I go to the smoke deck(which is at work for crying out loud) and there's another guy out there....I'm going to cheat. I go to my hometown and have a conversation with my oldest friend a guy....I'm going to cheat. Are you starting to get the picture? Apparently....I'm a big whore.

Anyways....kindof got side tracked. So back to the story.....

So, this time around I wasn't about to have a big head to head with him so I told him I was done talking about it. (He hates it when I do that because that's 'his' thing!) Well, I was trying to get my bag ready for work the next day and he jumps in and says "So what other guys that I don't know about have your number?" That was the final straw for me so I said "Gee...I don't know DAD! Do I need your approval for every person I am friends with?!?!" It's not like I keep these people from him. I tell him who they are and I try and get him to hang out with my friends that he doesn't know. But just because they are guys it's a problem. I'm apparently only allowed to hang out with the girlfriends or wives of HIS guy friend. And to's bullshit. I can talk to who ever I want to talk to. I'm not doing anything wrong and I'm always open and honest about it.

Well, that resulted in a week of us not talking. That weekend we sort of made in he starts acting all nice to me and I in return try and drop it as well. Then Saturday night, we fight once again! He didn't like that fact that when we were at a party I was listening to this guy's ipod. The guy knew James, James knew him, they were friends. When James walked in from outside smoking, I looked at him and said "Hey baby! Listen to this!" He just stared at me. Apparently, James' wasted friend came over to "defend" James' woman(whatever!) and jerked the ipod away from me and started talking shit to this guy! I said "fuck this. I'm going outside."

When James and I get home he tells me that he thought we were sitting too close to each other and the other guy was trying to help. I said "Excuse me!!? We were sitting at a dining room table, in different chairs. He had some good music on his ipod and I was just listening to it. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing! No flirting from him or me!"

And it just escalated from there.

Of course the next day he apologized and blamed most of it on the alcohol.

It just pisses me off soooo damn much. I love him to death but he's just a jealous guy and I hate it. We were raised completely different ways. I'm a country girl with 3 brothers and grew up as a tomboy. I played football with the guys (still do) and joke around and have fun with guys without coming across as "ohh I want to jump you." James grew up in Long Island and apparently if a girl hangs with the guys then they are dykes or trying to hook up with one of them. (That's what he says) AND he loves doing couple things. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it but it's like if there's a single person around then they are a leper(sp?). I don't hang out with only couples. I've always been a very socialable person, jumping from group to group and friend to friend.

There's no way he and I can survive if when he deploys in June if he continues to act this way!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Need help ladies!!

So 2 of my good friends are taking that dangerous leap. They are going where none of my friends have gone before. They are the first and I'm scared for them!

That's right folks.....marraige! I wonder if this is the start of it all. I know we all get to the age where two by two our friends start getting hitched....but I'm only 21! I didn't think it was going to happen for a few more years!

Anyways....there engagement party is tomorrow nite and I need ideas for a present to get them. My friend Ashes told me that anything they can use around the house would work. Like, dishes, skillets, wine glasses, crock pot...stuff like that. But I want to get something a little bit more unique for them. I just KNOW that if I get them a set of wine glasses then with my luck, other people will have gotten them the same thing.

So gals, use those noggins and help a fellow blogger out pllleeeeeaaaasseee? I'll be your bestest friend ;^)

Thanks a bunch in advance!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I got lots of fish!!

16 to be exact!

For Vday I took boyfriend to the pet store and got him the 20gal tank and the stand and all the gucci shit that goes in it. I didn't realize that fish stuff was soooo damn expensive! He told me that he would pay for the fish that he wanted. Well, he got 4 angel fish, 2 tiger somethings, 2 gold looking fish, 1 sucker, 3 tiny pink ones(just for me!) and 5 little mean ones. I know I'm very precise when it comes to the names huh?

And for those of you who can count....that's 17 right? of the tiger fish got caught by the filter and died. Now I have a depressed fish on my hands. There names were Larry and Bob....and bob was the one that ended up croaking and now Larry won't swim around or eat or anything. =^( It's rather sad. All he does is hide behind the treasure chest and the leaves and won't go around the other fish. Boyfriend didn't believe me at first but after a day or so of Larry being depressed James came running into the bedroom to deliver the news!

"Baaaaaaby! Larry IS depressed! He hasn't moved from that spot in 2 whole days! Maybe we could find some fishy antidepressants. What do you think?"

"I know James. That's what I've been trying to tell you. As for the antidepressants? I'll look into it baby."

haha....he's a goober! I hate my upstairs neighbors! 15 Mexicans living in a tiny one bedroom apartment and always being loud! One of them has a girlfriend with a little boy whom I've nicknamed "Son of Satan" He's EVIL! And he's a little brat! I swear he jumps around thier apartment on purpose JUST to piss me off! And after I banged on the ceiling this weekend to get them to shut the hell up...I think the mother started ecouraging him to do it and joined in herself! That boy isn't big enough to make the loud noises that were going on after I banged the ceiling. One time it was like 10 at night on a Tuesday and there was this loud ass bang and our entire apartment shook. So I grab my slippers and ran upstairs to ask them what the hell was going on. Well when one opens the door I see a loveseat with 4 guys on it(NOT including the one that was at the door) and said "Um, excuse me but whatever the hell you guys are doing up here is SHAKING our apartment. It's loud and annoying and it needs to quit....NOW!" He just stares at me for a minute then points to his fatass friend on the arm of the loveseat and said "Um he fell." And that was it!! So I gave him this look that said YOU ARE AN IDIOT! and really said "okay well knock it off." Went back downstairs and didn't hear much from them the rest of the night.

Grrrr I can't wait to get a house this June!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My neighbor is strange....

So I was sitting on the computer last nite (had to take a break from gilmore girls lol) and I get a knock at the door. Well, it was my neighbor Cam....and out of all the possibilities in the whole world, you know what he asked me?

"Hey Kelly! What's up? I was just wondering, could I put some bacon in your freezor?"

"Ummm, [chuckles a little bit] suuuuure Cam. But here's a silly question...why?"

I started cracking up and then he realized that he should have explained the reason FIRST and then ASK second! lol I'm still laughing at this question.

Apparently, he wants to make his wife a special breakfast for Vday and he hates bacon so if it's in thier freezor then she'll know that it's for something special and he wants to suprise her. I thought that was adorable, even though his deliver was random.

I don't have a Valentine this year cuz boyfriend is out of town till Friday =^( I think I'm just gonna watch Gilmore girls and eat lots of Chocolate.

Boyfriend better have something good planned when he gets back!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Woo Hoo for the Gilmores!!!

I just want to start by saying thank you to Shar for turning me into a Gilmore girls fan. I never really watched it before and then she had a post talking about how they were ending the show. So when I went home that nite I turned it on.....after 10 minutes I was HOOKED! haha So I started to TIVO it, but the boyfriend is all about his damn Xbox so I didn't get to watch it that much. Well, I told my momma that I wanted Gilmore Girls for Xmas, and you know what she got me?? The SEVENTH season! I was like "Umm....thank you momma, but I don't have ANY of the seasons and I haven't seen all of them. Why did you go for the last one?"

Anyways, I said screw it and started to watch it. WELL! On T.V. they are only up to about the 3rd season so when I started the 7th I got confused! And I got bummed out because I was finding out all this info that had already happened. So I immediately stopped watching, got on amazon and ordered all the other seasons! The FINALLY arrived yesterday so I text the boyfriend and said "ITS HERE! U get a Xbox nite free of bitching!" hehe I spent 6 hours watching the first season and I'm only up to about the 3rd CD. And another good thing....the boyfriend will be gone all next week for work so I get to use the big HD T.V. without any mouth from him! hahaha I'm excited!

Once again....THANKS SHAR =^)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

One day to go!

Tomorrow I will be heading home and I can't wait! Although, I think I'm going to cry when I walk into my parents house because it's going to be so empty. They are in the process of moving in with my grandmother to help her out. My grandfather passed away last April and they go over all the time but they figured that it would be easier if they just moved in there. They already drive her everywhere and do her grocery shopping for her.....she's pretty big and can't be on her feet for too long so it's hard for her to get around. whole point was, my friend Ashley went by to see my parents and t/m me saying my house looks so depressing now. I was born and raised in that house and lived there until I was 19 so seeing it so bare is going to depress me =^(

That house just has so much life in it ya know? There's not a space on any of the walls that doesn't have a painting, or picture of our family. One wall is nothing but plaques from when my dad coached and I think the last time I counted there was close to 100. We were a very sports oriented family. All my brothers wrestled, played football, baseball and a little bit of basketball. I played softball, volleyball and basketball....and I would play football with my brothers at thier practices. Oh, and I did alot of horseback riding. Damn! Just thinking about all of it makes me sad....I wish I could go back to being 10 years old and do it all over again!

Ok, gotta change the subject before I make myself cry....

So, I'm thinking of cutting my hair....I've been wanting bangs for awhile now. But i've got this cowlick so they'd have to be choppy side bangs. I registered for this webiste that allows you to experiment with all kinds of hair dos and give yourself a complete makeover. I gave myself one and just left it minimized on the screen, well the boyfriend got on the computer and saw it and asked me who the hell that was on the computer hehe. I was just goofing around too! I gave myself dark brown hair, big sunglasses and lots of makeup so it didn't look like me at all.'s about that time. Gotta go PT now. Everyone have a good weekend!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Three day weekend! Woo Hoo!!

For the next 3 weeks, I have a three day weekend....I say again....WOO HOO! hehe

Well, this weekend my boss decided to give everyone Monday off after the superbowl. His reasoning....the Giants fans need a grieving period after they lose. If you couldn't tell, he's a Pats fan. Me? I'm just in it for the commercials.

Speaking of, last year they sucked, so I hope this year they are better. Ok....I take that back, there was ONE good one that I liked. Yall remember the Carlos Mencia one? Where he's teaching foreiners how to ask for a bud light in different parts of the U.S. I loved that one!! I also hope that the halftime show is better this year.....I apoligize to all you Prince fans but....EW! I really think that people started cheering at the end because it was FINALLY over! haha

Then next weekend I'm going home because my parents want me to go to the Policeman's ball with them. I know I'm going to be hungover on that Sunday so I requested Monday off so I wouldn't have to drive 4 hours back here all hungover. It should be a blast though, I've heard so many stories about the drunk cops and how goofy they are. Now that I'm 21 my dad has been begging me to go with them....he's so sweet, wants to get drunk with his only daughter! hehe. My dad is the cutest drunk I have ever seen. When I go home I make him do Tequila shots and jagerbombs with me =^). He gets all giggly and happy when he drinks.

The weekend after that one is President's day so we are off again! I love having Mondays off because that's the worst day of the week(I'm sure most people would agree). Starting on Tuesday is great because before you know it, it's hump day then Friday and then the weekend.

So on that note.....everyone have a good weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bad dreams....

I don't know what's going on lately but I keep having these wierd random nightmares. This past weekend for example, I dreamt about vampires. I mean, it was scary towards the end but during it, it was rather funny. I went with someone(no clue who) so someone's house(again, no clue who's) and a bunch of people and I were just hanging out at first. Then, people started talking about vampires and I somehow realized that they were hinting at the fact that they were all in fact vampires. At first they told me that when they "change" that they would not attack me (yea right!) and I believed them. Well, they "changed" and then started staring at me.

Here's the funny part....I grabbed a random pool stick(there were no pool tables around!) and started going Jackie Chan on thier asses. And I remember saying "This is so much more fun than it looks in the movies!!" There was one vampire, though, that apparently was a marine and had these poisen filled darts and started shooting them at me. I dodged a few but eventually I was on the floor with this guy standing over me smiling and licking his lips. The last thing I said was something like "Please atleast wait to devour me untill I'm completely out." I blinked once, and all of a sudden all 10 people were standing over me smiling.....and then I woke up. I was still tired but I didn't want to go back to sleep because I was freaked out.

And last nite I can't even remember the majority of the dream except that it was really strange. I know that it had to do with my bedroom and I felt like I was awake through it all and like I was stuck and being slowly tortured or something.

I'm very confused as to why I'm having all the scary yet uncanny dreams.

Anyone know anything about dream meanings?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I need girlfriends!

The title says it all. I need more girlfriends! I have 3 really good ones but they all live 4 hours away and the command I'm at is 95% men. The women that are here are mostly in their 40's and married and have kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I need friends who are closer to my age.

I never realized how much making new friends is like asking a guy out. I mean, I was born and raised in one area so it was easier because I grew up with these people and we all became friends before we were even 10. But now it's like starting all over again. I did have more friends here but they were all guys and to make a long story short....there was so much drama with them and my boyfriend that we don't really talk anymore. Now, I'm in need of girls, you know, where I can go out to eat or just gossip with and get away from my boyfriend. Ok, ok, don't take it the wrong way, I love him but everyone needs thier space with their own friends ya know? If we didn't live together then it wouldn't be a problem because we'd have our own space but we live in a small one bedroom apartment and we are ALWAYS together! We tend to hang out with couples and I try to get along with the wives and the girlfriends but I haven't really fould one that I click with. James keeps trying to force this girl Ashley on me and yes, she's a sweet girl but we have absolutely nothing in common. I can't be myself around her at all.

Tuesday I had duty with this girl Shamber and she's someone I've talked to at work a couple of times and she's cool as shit. She does have 2 kids but she's only 5 years older than me and alot like me. Well, I don't know how to ask her if she wants to hang out outside of work. Does that sound strange?

Anyone got any tips to ask a girl out in a totally hetero way?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long weekend! Woo Hoo!

YAY! We have a four day weekend THANK GOD! Even though it's only been a 4 day work week, it feels so much longer. I have this urge to drive home today because the weather here is shitty and home has like 6 inches of snow. My mom text me at 7 this morning saying "SNOW DAY! haha" and I said "you suck." Well, the little hussy came back with "Yeah, but I suck IN THE SNOW" Sometimes I wanna smack that woman. =^)

That's what I love about my mom. We have this fun relationship, she really is my best friend(as corny as that sounds). We use to be at each other's throat all the time in high school when I thought I was a badass, but now we couldn't be closer. It's funny how we act though because if you didn't know us, you'd probably be like "If I talked to my momma like that, I'd get slapped!" If I have a friend over she will make it a point to say something that will humilate me and then give me this little grin that pretty much says "haha bitch!" So everytime she does it I say something like "Don't make me hurt you slut!"......that's when people get a little shocked until my mom, without missing a beat says "Shut up whore!" haha

I know I know, some people here might think it's a bad thing to call each other those names but that's just how me and my momma are.

Sorry yall....I just got told that I can leave work now so I'll try and actually finish this later.

Have a good weekend yall =^)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

11 hours of sleep, yet still tired

Have you ever been happy and pissed at the same time? It's an odd feeling. I mean, most of me is pissed but I am happy about atleast one thing.

First on to the thing that I'm happy about.....

I found out today that I got approval to take the advancement exam in March. See, in the military, in order to get paid more you have to take an exam in either March or September. I was eligible last March but I wasn't allowed to take the exam. I am undesignated, which means I don't have an actual rate at the moment. So in order for someone, in my shoes, to take any other rate's test, that said rate has to be open. Well, so many people were in the rate that I wanted that it was closed, until now. Anyways, now it's open enough to where all I needed was special approval to take it and I just found out that I got approved. So in March I take the exam and hopefully I can pass because it's one of the biggest payraises you can get.

Now on to the not so good things....

I found out yesterday that I am deploying this year =^(. Origionally I thought my command wasn't going until May of 2009, and since I get out in August of 2009 I wouldn't be going. But NO! They had to change it to this year. So in about 9 months I'll be deploying for probably 6 months. The only good thing about it is the money, I'll get paid pretty damn good while I'm there and it's not like I'd be spending alot of money over there either. So when I get back, I'll have enough money to pay off my car and get an apartment back at home when I get out. But because of this news, James and I got into a fight. It was so damn stupid how it got started too. He was goofing off when I was trying to talk to him about it and I kept asking him to stop and listen to me....over and over again. Finally I got irritated enough and said "Look. I'm not joking around, can you please stop and fucking listen to me!? What you're doing is NOT cute and I am trying to talk to you about what's going on!" And of course HE'S the one who gets extremely pissed at me and starts acting like a dick. I won't go into detail, but he started saying some really mean and uncalled for things to me. Then he gives me some bullshit apology like an hour later when he realized that I was really not going to talk to him and I told him to forget it. I'm sorry but if you don't mean it when you say you're sorry then I don't want to hear it. And that's what I told him. I was like, leave me alone because I don't believe that you're sorry and what you said hurt alot.

So, I went to sleep. Whenever I cry I get really tired so I was in bed by 6. This morning he comes stumbling out of the bedroom and says "Baby, I'm sorry. Are you still mad?" And I said "Damn right I'm still mad. You said some really hurtful things and frankly, I don't want to hear it." He kept talking but that was where I stopped. I am so hurt and pissed right now I could cry, but I'm at work so I'm trying to keep it together.

Grrrrr! Sometimes I just really want to slap the ignorance and stubborness out of him. Anybody else ever feel that way about your guy?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bad Monday....

I was planning on working out this morning (because I am WAY out of shape!) but I overslept. And THEN when I got to my car, there was a $30 ticket for where I was parked! So I can already tell that it's going to be a looong bad day.

James had to be up early this morning and he was supposed to wake me up at 5:30 when he was leaving but I guess he either forgot or he thought I was awake, which I wasn't obviously. I am the world's deepest sleeper! There could be an explosion right outside my window and I will sleep like a baby. It use to bug the hell out of my mom when I was a kid because I would have my alarm go off at 5:00 on Christmas morning and my alarm clock would be a foot away from my head going off for 30 minutes and it would wake everyone else in my house.....other than me! haha. But the odd thing is, if there is a little noise then I wake up quick! After my alarm would wake her up, she'd come in my room to turn it off and when she'd turn the doorknob to leave I'd pop my head up and say "Errg....what are you doing?" My mom would always just mutter something and go back to bed.

And about the ticket....get this! James was on the lease for our apartment first. I turned in my application to be put on it over TWO months ago, and they still haven't done the paperwork! We keep calling and they keep making excuses about it being the holidays and how it just keeps getting forgotten in the shuffle. So until I'm actually on the lease I have to park next to the curb instead of the parking lot. And I guess where I parked yesterday was not somewhere I was allowed to park...therefore I have a damn ticket! =^( I think I'm going to call today and actually be mean to the idiots. James usually calls and he's always nice...which has gotten us ZERO results.

Grrrrr.....thankfully we have a four day weekend coming up because of Martin Luter King day. I want to get out of town so bad. I am sick of our neighbors upstairs. Last night, it sounded like they were bowling up there! James kept looking at me and saying "What the hell are they doing? It's carpeted yet it sounds like they are bowling!" There are like 5 mexicans that live above us and we've complained about them numerously in the last few months! Also, they keep overflowing their toilet and guess whos bathroom all of their nastiness goes into? Yep....ours! I swear, the first time it happened a went to a friend's house and took a 2 hour shower....I felt soooo dirty! I can't wait untill June when James and I get into a house. A porch, a backyard, more room....I really can't wait. Time is going to go so slow between now and then!

Well, it's about time I get in my uniform....I hope everyone else has a better monday than me!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Friday everyone!

New year, new blog....hopefully I will keep up with this thing.

I use to have one for 2 years on livejournal but I figured I start a new one. I read so many other blogs on this thing and I've seen the support and friendships that you gals share and I kinda want to be apart of it =^)

My name is Kelly and I'm 21 in the navy and stationed in VA. I'm not a big fan of eastern VA...I'm from western VA, up in the mountains which is a totally different world from here. People can't drive here, there are absolutely NO mountains and there are too many people here. I miss being in a town where everyone knows everyone and everyone either says hi or waves to you.

My boyfriend's name is James, he's in the navy also and we live together. Just hit our one year mark this past November<3.>

Oh! Some great news....after 3 years of being out of the loop, I finally applied to college! I start in April and I'm going to major in Business Management and minor in Marketing and Small Business Entreprenurship. I can't wait till I can actually say that I'm a college graduate. It's a big deal for my family. Usually high school is about as far as we go but I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck still when I'm 40, I want savings and retirement and a 401K plan. I don't care about being rich, I care about being comfortable and I want a big family myself one day and I want to be able to provide for my family, ya know?

Well, I think this is good enough for my first post. Everyone have a good weekend!